By Sonia Schnee | Posted Friday, September 20, 2019
If you are conscientious about your health and are worried you’re not getting the vitamins you need, if you have a fear of swallowing pills, or are curious about what “CBD” is all about, meet Janet Ryan, Founder/CEO of SpectraSpray Global which specializes in oral spray vitamins. Check out our interview with Janet below to learn more about her business, the inspiration behind it, and how you can get a hand on a variety of spray vitamin kits.
What’s your name, where are you from, what do you do?
My name is Janet Ryan, I am from Montville, NJ and I own a spray vitamin company called SpectraSpray Global.
How did SpectraSpray get started?
SpectraSpray got started as a result of my passion to help others feel their best and live their best lives everyday. After supporting health professionals with various supplements, I met a naturopathic doctor who introduced me to the unique ‘oral spray’ delivery.
What inspired you to build your company?
I have always been in tune with living a healthy lifestyle, but my dedication and determination to share cutting edge wellness information with others sprang from my family history. My mom, who had early onset Alzheimers, and my son, who suffered with ADD and had learning disabilities, have been the main driving factors behind my vast education, research and passion to educate and empower others. It’s still almost impossible to “TREAT” Alzheimers, but they are finding we can prevent it if we understand how our bodies work. Also, my twins were about 10-years-old when my son needed serious support for ADD, anxiety and focus which lead me to learning more about natural solutions rather than medications.

What kinds of products do you offer?
My company SpectraSpray offers oral Spray Vitamins that support wellness. We call them “foundational and functional” since they are typically nutrients that are deficient due to our poor food quality and stressful lifestyles.
If you take vitamin pills, your body could well be STARVING. People don’t realize that their bodies do not absorb 90% of any vitamins they take by pill, or even from some foods they assume are good for them. Their bodies are running on EMPTY, yet people wonder why they’re exhausted and not able to focus. Due to the high-tech nano-emulsion delivery system, our spray vitamins and supplements have the highest absorption of any competitor on the market today. The only higher absorption is through intravenous delivery. It’s not what you take, it’s what you ABSORB!
Our unique product formulas help people increase their mental focus and energy, reduce stress on the spot and sleep better to recharge. As a result, they increase their longevity by fueling their body with depleted baseline nutrients that naturally reduce as we age, or when we have genetic, digestive or environmental (epi-genetic) challenges.
Who’s your target audience?
Anyone can use our sprays. We find those who travel, work a long day, don’t sleep well or have digestive issues particularly love the convenience and effectiveness of our products.
How do you help people?
We help people by providing them with THE MOST CONVENIENT wellness spray they can carry with them anywhere they go. Most people have a cabinet FULL of vitamins and supplements that they forget to take. Our sprays GO WITH YOU and can be sprayed anytime, anywhere since they do not require food or water to absorb. The nutrients are already in a “ready to absorb” form that goes right into the bloodstream via the oral cells (buccal cells).
You’ve recently started offering CBD Spray. What does “CBD” stand for?
CBD stands for Canna-BiDiol, which is the oil extracted from the hemp plant.
What are some of the benefits of CBD?
It has been proven to help regulate the homeostasis (general functioning of all systems) of your body in many ways; especially supporting anxiety, sleep, pain and immune health.
What are some commons myths surrounding CBD?
People still think it will get you high, like Marijuana. CBD, especially the ISOLATE from, which we use, has no THC, the psycho active ingredient that gets you high. We provide a COA (certificate of analysis) to prove that, which is super important. CBD is not regulated YET, and there are many brands with toxic qualities, or not as much CBD in the product as advertised.
What might people be apprehensive about, and how would you dispel their fears?
They are apprehensive for good reason. It’s new, its everywhere, and it’s just beginning specific research. It’s important to buy from a company you can trust, one that provides a COA, uses Isolate form so that you are not drug tested positive for your job. You can start with a low dose, just a few milligrams once or twice a day, and see how you feel, then increase as needed. It takes time for your body to achieve homeostasis, but in time many functions will be supported because your body is able to work “in sync: much better. That’s extremely simplistic, but you can read our recent blog on the science behind CBD, or search the internet for reputable sources and studies. Like anything else, educate yourself. I did.
Where can people purchase your CBD sprays, as well as all the other sprays your offer?
Online at First time purchasers can use code SAVE20 to save 20% on their first purchase! They’ll love them. Our Success Kit and Travel Kit are very popular and can be used everyday, not just while at work or when traveling. Sleep Support, Stress Support, Immune Support and B12 are all must haves!
Finally, how can people follow you on social media?
We are on Facebook as SpectraSpray and Instagram as SpectraSprayVitamins.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Yes, your health is in YOUR hands, not your doctors. Learn, read, talk to people who understand nutrition and functional medicine. It is growing fast, and helping people live their best life, while aging positively into the future. Most chronic health issues are based on inflammation. Eating right, understanding your gut health and supporting your system with the right supplementation (not too much!) will help your very intelligent body to take care of you for a long time. Here’s to your health and a wonderfully energetic life!!