Saturday, February 18, 2017, Flemington, NJ
Click the album cover to be directed to the event on Facebook.
By Sean McCall | Posted Monday, February 13, 2017
“FLEMINGTON DIY (Do It Yourself) is an organization whose mission is to inspire social change by fostering and cultivating projects that connect the local community with musicians and artists in Flemington.” Flemington DIY is a non-profit organization dedicated to the arts in all forms. Besides serving as a creative art space, hosting poetry nights, film viewings, cultural meetings, etc., this space is known as the center music hub for the area. They have hosted a number of up and coming bands previously such as Petal, Dowsing, Jank, Spencer Radcliff, and many more.
For this show, the art space will be donating all proceeds to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The gig is on Saturday, February 18th, 2017, and doors are at 7:00pm. The show is actually put on by Pop-Punk Band “Atlas On Top” from Whitehouse Station, NJ. The show will be All-Ages, and it's for an awesome and very relevant cause. Twitter recently donated over $1.5 million dollars to fight Trump on immigration.
This show may or may not raise that amount of money, but with the right attitude, it very well might be able to. People are people, people are equal, and it should be that simple. Come out with a crisp 5 dollar bill to help raise money for a good cause and to have yourself a good time with great music.
1. Respect the Venue.
2. Respect the people.
3. Come early, Stay late.
$5 - Get there early, stay late, party hard.
Fight Trump’s immigration ban
- Doors 7
- 90 Main St. Flemington, NJ
- Let's party
- All Ages
- No booze
HappySad PunkEmo – New Brunswick, NJ
Most recent release – “No Beauty in Routine”
5 piece pop punk from Whitehouse Station, NJ hosting this tight ass show
Most recent release: “Blind the Demo”
Punk Rock Jersey Band that I would call my mans
Most recent release: “Sustenance” (this EP rules)
Alternative / Emo boys from Bridgewater, NJ
Most recent release – “Winter”
21-year-old pseudo Punk – Whitehouse Station, NJ
Most Recent Release: “Lost City"
For booking inquiries to host a show, artist exhibit, or club meeting, contact Flemington DIY at
Read More about Flemington DIY on JerseyIndie here:
~Confirm you’re attending on facebook~
About the Writer
Sean McCall is a Music Business Technology Major studying at Rowan University with a Minor in Theatre. He has been attending shows since he was young, and is currently in Breaking Tradition and FV, and is actively involved with The Calcifer Sessions. He has an ear for music and challenges himself in learning as many instruments as he can. Sean has sung in multiple competitive honor choirs throughout the country ranging from All-State to All-National Honor Choir. With a passion for writing, creating, and music in general, he is adding music journalism to his resumé to contribute even further into this talented area we call home.